About Me

My photo
I am a 23 years old and recently married to the best man in the world, Tom. I am happy and content but I am always on a mission. I want the ultimate career and life and so I am jumping in feet first to my future. Looking forward to being awesome at everything one blog at a time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Month 2 week 2

This week I am down to 171.8 which means my total weight loss is 10.6 lbs. Everyday my workout videos become just a little bit easier. I went from being tired after one cardio bellydancing session 50 mins. to feeling like I have just begun and easily able to go another hour of working out. Here are this week's photos they might not look a lot different but my clothes are becoming more and more comfortable and I am less aware of my stomach now. No more hiding behind pillows when I sit or wearing sweatshirts when it is warm.

Now if anyone is interested in the workout videos I have been doing here they are. . .

Skinny Bitch Booty Bounce

My thoughts on this workout . . . hmmm I do this one when I am sore already or are just looking to get rid of some extra energy. The Skinny Bitches are quite chatty and if you are anything like me you feel incredibly awkward while trying to follow embarrassing dance routines. It does offer some variety to my workouts but I wouldn't suggest buying it unless you enjoy light weight cardio and goofy dancing.

Skinny Bitch Body

Well, this is the only Skinny Bitch DVD that I can say does make me feel accomplished. One nice thing about this video is it requires no weights which can be nice if you don't like lugging around weights.I have mixed feelings on their constant chatting in the videos sometimes I think they are making it up as they go. This is a good one but not the most intense.

Skinny Bitch Boot Camp

I do enjoy this one again the skinny bitches are a little more fun than your traditional work out video. They tend to be more cardio based less resistance training. They are good but not a sole source of exercise.

Cardio Bellydancing with Dolphina

I love this workout, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I am a sucker for bellydancing it makes me feel relaxed and over time more toned. Cardio Bellydancing is not that intense so I do it in between harder workouts on days when I feel sore already. Basically it is my lazy day workout. Oh and be forwarned Dolphina is very hard to take seriously. It is almost like she is flirting with you as you exercise.

Personal Training with Jackie

Jackie Warner to me is the definition of kickass! Look at those abs. Don't let the shiny metallic shorts fool you she is no pansy. The first time I did the 40 min. workout with my very fit friend Liz we were both sweating and ready to quit within 6 minutes. I can't do this one daily for fear my muscles would self distruct. I recommend buying this DVD.

Last Chance Workout

For anyone who has seen Jillian Michaels on TV you know she waists no time kicking your ass. This video is no different. The first workout made me want to die, but I felt so accomplished when I was done. I would suggest this to anyone who likes to get down to business when the exercise.

So overall, I do one of this videos 5-6 days a week, play frisbee, go on walks, or swim and it is an inexpensive way to lose weight.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Month 2 begins

So one month is down I have now lost 8 pounds. I feel pretty good about the progress I have made. I know that 8 pounds doesn't seem like much but I am feeling stronger and more athletic. So, as it is the end of the month I think it is time to show the comparison photos and measurements.

Old Weight:182.4
Old Measurements:
Chest:43 1/2 in.
Waist:36 1/4 in. .
Low waist: 43 1/2 in.
Butt: 43 in.
(relaxed) 11 in.
(flexed) 12 in.
Thigh:24 in. (holy cow)
Calf: 14 1/2 in.

New Weight:174.4
New Measurements:
Chest: 40 3/4 in.
Waist: 35 1/2 in.
Low waist: 42 in.
Butt: 43 in.
(relaxed) 11 in.
(flexed) 12 in.
Thigh: 23 in.
14 1/2 in.

The biggest change I have noticed is in my bra for the first time in a long time is loose. I bet you in a couple of weeks I will have to buy a new one. Exciting!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 4 begins . . .

Well here we are the beginning of week 4 and my total weightloss is 7.6 lbs. Now my weightloss has been slow after the first week but I finally seeing the results. Life has been catching up to me a bit with work and other things interfering with the workouts. Tom and I been working on including exercise in everyday life such as frisbee, walks, and swimming which has been really fun. As I begin week 4 I am feeling stronger and more energetic but this week I have to push it. Thank you for following my journey. See you next week!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 3 begins . . .

So I only lost .4 lbs this week, but I am happy to say that my body is definitely getting stronger. I slipped a little this week with my kryptonite El Porton but that is ok. I am trying to be balanced enough in my eating that this is a lifestyle that I can continue in the future. My husband and I have started playing frisbee in the park with our friends Nick and Emily in addition to the workouts I do with Liz and Erica. My husband Tom has been doing all of this dieting and his own work out plan. In the same amount of time he has lost 11 lbs. (show off) Nah I really am very proud of him. So at the end of week 4 I will post side by sides and hopefully there will be quite a difference.

Side note: Observe the chicken legs. Haha

Saturday, July 3, 2010


So most of the way through week 2 on the weightloss portion of Project: Kickass and I have only lost around .4lbs. Despite the fact that I know it is illogical to expect the same kind of results as last week with 6.4lbs I can't help but feel a bit beaten. I have worked out all but one day and have had very few changes to my diet. I know that most of the 6.4 was probably water weight but it does feel as though I didn't meet the challenge this week. In fact this week I have worked even harder than last week. I have a desire to weigh myself entirely too often which I know I really need to stop. I am hoping that all of that work goes towards next week's weightloss. If I could get down 2 lbs. this week I think I will be satisfied.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Top Choices for Advertising and Design Trends of The 2000's

I have really seen quite a change in advertising recently to a more indie and artistic approach. I like the change now advertising is not just an means to an end but art itself. Here are a few popular trends that I have noticed in the 2000's.

#3. Light Streams

#2. Handwritten Fonts

#1. Stop Motion Animation

HP - invent from Tom and Matt on Vimeo.

If you can think of any other popular Design or Advertising Trends of the 2000's please share!